

no kidding, an autistic man told me that failure is a loaded word.... the full length word strikes fear in the hearts of many, "you're a failure," but the truncated version, "oh my gosh i'm going to fail this test!" seems so light hearted compared to it's counterpart... i am a bit of a slacker (the understatement of the year - haha) and i have definitely not succeeded in many things, but i would not consider those efforts a failure. to say that something or someone is a failure is among the harshest of criticisms. it's almost like a personal attack rather than a criticism. i think the person who yields the word failure as a weapon is a person afraid of admitting their own mistakes. everybody will fail at something sometime... the people who do not keep striving are are the only true failures...
it makes me think about my own life, and figuring out what i want and doing everything i can to achieve those goals... i could take some cues from the people i have surrounded myself with... an anthropologist, a group of kids that own a successful upstart company, a philanthropist, a woman who worked her way up from the bottom of a company to become owner, and most importantly, a woman who will never give up no matter how many times she has been set back no matter what stands in her way... if they can find a way, then so can i...


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